Glendale City FAQ
Who can I request information from?
This portal can get you access to all publicly available information from the City of Glendale, CO including the City Clerk, Building & Zoning, the City Municipal Court, and the City Police Department.
Hours & Contact Information?
City Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM (M-F); Closed weekends and holidays
City Clerk - Veronica Marvin, 303-639-4708
Municipal Court Administrator - Brieana Lopez, 303-639-4610
Community Devolopment Manager - Madeline Gauthier - 303-639-4600
Police Records - 303-639-4313
Police Property & Evidence - 303-639-4312
Local Security Badges - 303-639-4300
What type of record do I need?
Records under Colorado Open Records Act CORA C.R.S. 24-72-203
- I need to request files from the City of Glendale
- Please submit your request using the Glendale City Records Request Department on the 'Make Request' page.
- I need information about building and zoning within the City of Glendale
- Please submit your request using the Glendale City Building & Zoning Request Department on the 'Make Request' page.
Records under Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act CCJRA C.R.S. 24-72-301
- I need to request files and/or case disposition from the Glendale Municipal Court
- Please submit your request using the Glendale Municipal Court Request Department on the 'Make Request' page.
- I need to request information from the Glendale Police Department
- Crash/Accident Report
- Please select Police Records from the department selector. Documents will be provided electronically unless otherwise requested.
- If you completed an online crash report, the Glendale Police Department does not have access to obtain copies, please contact the Department of Revenue at 303.205.5600.
- Regular Police Report
- If you are requesting a copy of a police report, CAD call, arrest record, arrest booking photos or contact history, please select Police Records from the department selector. Documents will be provided electronically unless otherwise requested.
- Media files to include BWC, 911/Dispatch Audio calls or if you are a Media Organization
- If any part of your request includes body cam footage, images, dispatch audio recordings or the request is made on behalf of a media organization, please select Police - Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act.
- I am a part of a Criminal Justice Organization
- Please submit your request using the Criminal Justice Organizations Requests Department on the 'Make Request' page.
- Glendale PD has my property, and I need to coordinate its return
- Please submit your request using the Property & Evidence Department on the 'Make Request' page.
- Please include your Case Number and Name and you will be contacted when it is available for pickup.
- I have a Glendale Case and I need to submit digital evidence for my case
- Please submit your request using the Evidence Submission (Glendale Case) Department on the 'Make Request' page.
- Please include your Case Number and Name and upload the file(s)
- I am a local security agency requesting a security badge
- Please submit your request using the Local Security Badges Department on the 'Make Request' page.
What are the fees for requested records?
Effective Jan 1, 2025
All fees approved by the City of Glendale, CO
C.R.S. 24-72-306 permits the agency to charge reasonable fees, not to exceed actual costs, for the search, retrieval, and redaction of criminal justice records.
Records under Colorado Open Records Act CORA C.R.S. 24-72-203
Staff Time first hour, electronic transmission of documents - No Charge
Paper copies of documents - $0.25 per page
Staff Time after first hour - $41.37 per hour
CORA Records Requests response time is three working days, or, in the case of substantial requests, the response period may be extended by seven working days. A modification of the request is considered a new request.
When a substantial request is made, requiring more than one hour of staff time, the City will charge the requestor for all copying expenses and staff time. Before fulfilling a substantial request, the City will provide a cost estimate to the requestor. The cost estimate will include the estimated time for staff to search for, retrieve, redact, assemble, and transmit the records in accordance with the following schedule:
The requestor must approve the cost estimate before the City begins work on fulfilling the records request. The statutory timeframe the City must complete the request will begin once the requestor has approved the cost estimate. Costs associated with a request must be paid in full before the City will produce the records.
Records under Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act CCJRA C.R.S. 24-72-301
Hardcopy/Duplication Services:
- Up to 10 pages – Free
- After 10 pages - $0.25 per page
Digital Copies of Reports
- Free via the Records Request portal
- Research fees may apply depending on the request
CD/Flash Drive/Hard Drive to transport data:
- CD - $5.00
- Flash Drive - $25.00
- Hard Drive – Actual Cost
Records Check (Individual or Address/Location):
- Fees for 1 hour or less & 6 months of data:
- Individuals - $5.00
- Address/Location - $10.00
- After 1 hour or more than 6 months of data:
- Research costs apply
Mailed Items:
- Actual Cost and potential research costs depending on the request
- 1-15 pages – Free
- More than 15 pages - $0.25 per page
Accident Reports:
- $15.00 per report
Research Fees:
- 1st Hour – Free
- $41.37 per hour after the first hour (Established by C.R.S. 24-72-205(6))
Written Requests:
All requests should be submitted via the Records Request portal. If assistance is needed submitting a request, individuals can come in receive support via the front counter of the Glendale Police Department (Monday through Friday – 8 am to 5 pm).
All requests over $100 but less than $500 need to be paid in advance before the request is fulfilled. Any request, costing more than $500, requires a 50% deposit before work begins and must be paid in full before any records are released.
Wavier of Fees:
Any wavier of fees is at the discretion of the Records Custodian.
Use of Records to obtain information for solicitation:
C.R.S. 24-72-305.5(1) Records of official actions and criminal justice records and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information in such records shall not be used by any person for the purpose of soliciting business for pecuniary gain. The official custodian shall deny any person access to records of official actions and criminal justice records unless such person signs a statement which affirms that such records shall not be used for the direct solicitation of business for pecuniary gain.
Important Note:
Some cases may not be authorized to be released by the GPD Records Section due to the disposition of the case. For example, cases that are open and are still being actively investigated cannot be released until the case has achieved some type of disposition or authorization is received from the investigating Detective. Also, in some instances, report requests must be directed to the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office for release.